Charity Choices

A Resource for Donors

How Charitable Choices Guides Are Distributed

 Two things are at the heart of our work to promote charities in the Combined Federal Campaign:

  •      Our attractive guides that function as guides to a range of CFC charities.
  •      Our great system for distributing our three guides (National Guide, DC Guide, Holiday/Post Guide) as well as our Military Insert and our CFC Section in Recreation News.  

We print and distribute a lot of guides: more than 210,000 in 2022. In addition, we distributed 450,000 of our Military Inserts at 220 military bases and facilities in the U.S., plus 170,000 of our CFC Section in Recreation News (Oct. and Nov. issues). Altogether we distributed more than 820,000 print impressions, with most going to potential CFC donors (696,430).

We have three ways to get our guides into the hands of potential CFC donors:

  • Our own distributors hand out guides to employees as they enter their workplaces.  No one else does this. It’s expensive and labor intensive.  But it gets our guides directly into the hands of potential donors, usually as they enter their workplaces in the early morning.
  • We inserted 53,655 guides in Recreation News, a monthly that is the official publication of 55 Government Employee Associations. It is distributed inside nearly 200 federal government and military offices in the DC area
  • We also use a network of distributors at 51 military bases across the country, who hand out our guides (55,000 in 2022) at commissaries. 

We reach a huge number of potential CFC donors: more than 182,000 federal employees and 514,000 members of the military in 2022. 

This is an amazing number. There is no other way to reach anywhere near that number of potential CFC donors, especially now that other ways of reaching CFC donors having disappeared, such as the Post’s Express tabloid and Federal Times.

Our distribution reports document how and where our guides and other options are distributed:

We also document our distribution by posting invoices for our printing and distribution: 

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