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Working Dogs for Vets

Saving Lives at Both Ends of the Leash!

We rescue, train and pair service dogs with Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine and disabled military veterans. We provide training, supplies, school, classes, retreats and more. Service dogs reduce suicide. We've served more than 3,000 dog/veteran teams. Your donation saves lives at both ends of the leash!

Give through the CFC Now
Why should I support your work?

Veterans commit suicide at the rate of 1 every 59 minutes.
That's 22 veterans a day!
About 2.7 million shelter dogs in the U.S. are put down each year.
That's about 1 every 11 seconds!
More than 1.5 million disabled veterans need a service dog.
Your support to Working Dogs For Vets will Save Lives at Both Ends of the Leash!
Call: 84-Dogs-Help.

Why does your charity exist?

To provide service dogs to disabled veterans in need.

What specifically do you do?
  • Rescue train and match service dogs with veterans
  • Help veterans train their own service dogs
  • Education about service dogs and training
How will this make a difference?

Your support in any amount goes directly to our program as we are a volunteer-based national organization.

How is your work different from that of other, similar charities?

We do not charge veterans for our services. We are a volunteer-based, pay-it-forward program. Pay-it-forward means we train vets not only how to train their service dog, we also train them how to teach other veterans how to train their dogs. 

We stretch every dollar raised. With our No Veteran Left Behind Program, there is little to no waiting list.

What have you accomplished?

Our accomplishments are listed at this link.

How can I be sure you’ll use my money wisely?

Working Dogs For Vets is mission driven and stretches every dollar. We are platinum rated on Guidestar and maintain transparency by publishing our financials on our website. We also recently had an audit performed which is on ourwebsite. We use donated funding wisely to accomplish our mission effectively.