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Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry

Transforming Deer, Elk and Livestock into Food for the Hungry among us

Needy children and families are hungry for meat and protein. Our ministry pays local butchers to process donated deer and livestock for food banks and hunger relief programs. Please give today!

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Why should I support your work?

For food banks, one of the most needed but expensive items is meat.  We help fill this need across the nation by getting farmers and hunters to donate deer, elk and livestock, paying local butchers to process the meat, and giving it to food banks, homeless shelters and soup kitchens for distribution.  One deer can provide 160 meals. 

Since 1997, we have provided more than 22.5 million meals, helping combat hunger locally and sustainably.

Why does your charity exist?

Our founder, Rick Wilson, noticed a vehicle parked along the road he was travelling one morning in 1997. He stopped to help and the owner of the car asked him to help her load a deer she had found into her trunk so that she could take it home to feed her children. Through that encounter, Rick believes that the Lord Jesus was calling him to form a ministry to help other hunters feed those in need by donating their deer.

What specifically do you do?

FHFH raises money to pay local participating butcher shops to process donated deer, elk and livestock into meat for local food banks and feeding ministries.

How will this make a difference?

Each donated deer that we pay to have processed can provide up to 200 servings of meat to those in need!

How is your work different from that of other, similar charities?

We are a Christian faith-based organization seeking to glorify God by helping hunters and farmers feed the hungry.

What have you accomplished?

FHFH has helped hunters and farmers donate over 21 million servings to the hungry since 1997.

How can I be sure you’ll use my money wisely?

Over 90% of our expenses go directly to providing program services. Our small part-time staff spends much of its time supporting the local volunteers who coordinate FHFH in their areas. Our financial records are reviewed and audited annually by an independent CPA.